New PCOS Advocate Looking To Connect With Others!

Im new to PCOS I found out I had it last year, my full story is on my page.

I would love to make a pcos sisterhood kind of deal … Im sadly all a lone with pcos having to learn everything on my own as my doctor here in Belgium told me that the only places close by for pcos is in the UK!!! and well yeah!

HI there!! I am in the US but, I too have PCOS. I was diagnosed after 10 years of struggling with painful periods, weight gain and acne. I actually had a doctor tell me that there was no cure so why bother diagnosing! :woman_facepalming:

Now I have other issues I am working through but a lot of it does lead back to that!

Ahh man I wish we could just cut out the doctors its like we do everything for our self any ways LOL